Wellbeing 2.0
Petri Raivo, Rector, Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Your personal wellbeing is already following you on your wrist and in your breast pocket. My wristband counts my steps and alarms me if I’ve been sitting in one place for too long. Its running exercises save my time, distance and heart rate data into the cloud, and every day, week and month I receive inspirational feedback on my performance and a bunch of advice for improving my wellbeing. My phone even monitors my sleep. It tells me when I need to go to bed and wakes me up in the morning at the optimal moment for my sleep cycle, even though I’m not always too convinced. My phone also helps me take naps that promote my wellbeing, and reminds me to eat and drink water at regular intervals. This is all fun, of course, the voluntary inquisitiveness of a middle-aged man who is interested in technology, but national and global digital solutions for wellbeing are a lot bigger than that. Digitalisation and the possibilities it presents are an increasing part of our wellbeing. Wellbeing 2.0 is already here.
It’s not just about entertainment or voluntary control, but preventative measures that really promote caring for our health and wellbeing. Wellbeing 2.0 and its innovations also present demands for efficiency and money. Digitalisation is generally seen as enabling a leap in competitiveness for many fields – including the health and wellbeing industry – that, together with increased productivity and new innovations, is the engine that enables new kinds of social and healthcare solutions. In other words, the digitalisation of health and wellbeing is one of the few, if not the only measure that can create significant savings for the economy with its changes. Though in the beginning, it may well be the opposite – expenses increase as the systems are implemented and people are trained to use them.
The digitalisation of health and wellbeing is already an essential part of the multi-disciplinary and phenomena-based focus areas of the universities of applied sciences. The structural development report ”Kohti maailman parasta korkeakoululaitosta” (“Towards the Best Higher Education Institution in the World”) that was completed a while back by the working group appointed by the Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences presents a clear picture of the focus areas of Finnish universities of applied sciences. These areas include several competence packages with titles such as intelligent solutions, applied technology for wellbeing, and renewed wellbeing services which are oriented towards digital solutions for health and wellbeing. This is proof of an increase in competence related to the field, lively RDI activities, corporate cooperation and the integration of new knowledge with teaching. Even in this, we are at the cutting edge.
Digitalisation also involves robotics, and this too is well represented in the strategic focus areas of some universities of applied sciences. Wellbeing and health robotics is a sector that is accelerating rapidly all around the world, and it has also gained increased exposure in Finland as well thanks to various well-known pilot experiments. Robots that monitor, engage, entertain and nurse us are here to stay. I already own a cleaning robot that tirelessly and carefully hoovers the whole house , sometimes even twice a day, without any complaints. I can certainly say that this provides me with spiritual wellbeing by at least preventing me from experiencing any acute hoovering-related stress. And, as a plus, it’s also preparing me for a future where I will have my own personal nursing robot when I’m old.
Question of changes and multi-party co-operation in social welfare and health care reform
Leena Viinamäki, Principal Lecturer, Degree Programme in Social Services, Dr.Soc.Sc., Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Anneli Pohjola, Professor of Social Work, Dr.Soc.Sc., University of Lapland
The social welfare and health care sector is one of the largest employer in Finland. At the same time, the sector is facing strong conflicting pressures of change, which are also reflected in many ways in the education and competence requirements in the social sector. Furthermore, some citizens require more comprehensive support in their situation in life, which often means multi-party co-operation between various professionals. Clients are entitled to services that are based on the best possible competence. There are many competence areas, and they each require specific, in-depth know-how in addition to general knowledge of the field. Competence needs in the social sector should be analysed more accurately, bearing in mind the viable division of work on the basis of the sector’s educational structure, which is clear in itself. What is also needed is multi-party co-operation that incorporates in-depth substance competence, since the many competence needs in the field cannot be mastered by a single education group. Paradoxically enough, these diverging needs are not always recognised; by contrast, it is assumed that general competence will suffice.
Quality of life in a Kathmandu slum
Anup Khanal, Graduate Student, Bachelor of Social Services, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences
Sakari Kainulainen, Senior Specialist, Adjunct Professor, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences
Kyösti Voima, Lecturer in International Affairs, MPH Int’l Health, Diaconia University of Applied
Sami Kivelä, Lecturer in International Affairs, M. Theol, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences
A case study on quality of life of Balkhu squatter community in Nepal was done in 2013. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak), Turku University of Applied Sciences and St. Xavier’s College carried out this research project together. Data collection was done by students of Diak and St. Xavier’s College. A community profile was created with the rich data obtained from a survey, participant direct observations, interviews, as well as images and videos. The community profile covers the quality of life in domains such as demography, environment, economy, religion, health, sanitation, and socio-political as well as subjective wellbeing. A case study was organized in a Diak project through participatory approach.
Moderation in everything – even in multitasking
Jutta Laine, nursing student, Turku University of Applied Sciences
Rami Pöyhönen, nursing student, Turku University of Applied Sciences
Camilla Laaksonen, Senior Lecturer, Dr.Sc. (Nutr.) Turku University of Applied Sciences
Multitasking mean performing simultaneous several tasks that each require concentration. Multitasking is part of everyday life and it´s form has changed as different digital equipment have become common. Human brain however poorly manage to perform several simultaneous tasks and multitasking cause burden on cognitive function, concentration and learning, stress management, social relationships and mental health. Present-day societies however demand that individuals manage several tasks synchronously and share the limited brain capacity. From the perspective of health and well-being, one may state that “knowing your limits and keeping it moderate” are good guidelines also regarding multitasking.
Towards a memory-friendly North Karelia
Kaisa Juvonen, Voimala Coordinator, Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Arja Jämsén, Regional Manager, M.Soc.Sc., Eastern Finland Social and Welfare Centre of Expertise
Leena Knuuttila, Managing Director, Specialised Nurse, Supervisor, Logotherapist, North Karelian Memory Association
Olli Lehtonen, Specialist, The Alzheimer Society of Finland
Liisa Suhonen, Principal Lecturer, PhD (Education), Lic. Sc. (Health), MSc (physiotherapy), Karelia University of Applied Sciences
The aim of the National Memory Programme is to build memory-friendly Finland. There are 193 000 people with memory diseases in Finland. In a way, almost everyone will be touched by memory diseases, at least via friends, neighbours or family members. North Karelia is being built towards a memory-friendly region. This work is based on strong regional cooperation with North Karelian Memory Association, Karelia University of Applied Sciences and Eastern Social and Welfare Centre of Expertise.
Communal dining of the elderly
Marja-Liisa Laitinen, RDI specialist, Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences
Anne Puntanen, Nurse, Home Care Meal Services, Department of Social Services and Health Care for the Mikkeli region
This article describes the communal dining experiment for the elderly which aimed to assess elderly dining experiences as a social event, but also as a factor for increasing wellbeing on a wider scale. The elderly are a growing population group in Southern Savonia as well, and this challenges teaching and research, development and innovation activities and regional services to try new sorts of openings and experiments. The goal of Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences’ ASKO project (2015) was to design food service models for the elderly, those living at home or customers of home care that could be offered according to the customers’ needs and preferences without ignoring the food services’ cost-effectiveness.
The Future Competences for Working with Older People
Jukka Aho, Senior Lecturer, MNSc., Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Marjut Arola, Principal Lecturer, Lic.Soc.Sc., Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Irma Mikkonen, Principal Lecturer, PhD, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Population ageing is a common issue around the Europe. The growing number of the oldest age groups will indicate increasing need for social and health care services in the future. While at the same time care services and environments are changing and becoming more diverse, there is an obvious need for new kind of social and health care expertise. Consequently, 26 Higher Education Institutions from 25 different countries are developing together European Core Competences Framework for working with older people, in a project funded by EU LLP-programme for years 2013–2016. The framework will be used in developing curricula in social and health care professionals’ education. In Finland, the utilization of the framework will be done especially in the social and health care education in the universities of Applied Sciences.
Experiences of workplace-oriented teaching in Master’s degrees studies
Liisa Koskinen, Principal Lecturer, Dr.Sc. (Nutr.), Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Mikko Laasanen, RDI specialist, PhD, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Kalevi Paldanius, Principal Lecturer, PhD (Psychology), Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Inside the “Coworking learning space – TKI 2.0” -project, two 5 ECTS credit point study courses of master studies were implemented by adjusting interprofessional and work-related learning. Courses were “Wellbeing in the work community” and “Successful organization”. In the “Wellbeing in the work community” the end product was a welfare plan or parts of it for the company. In the “Successful organization” the end products were different kinds of development ideas or plans depending on the company’s needs. The results showed that a gap between theory and practice diminished. On the other hand discussions between companies and University of Applied Sciences are needed about the aims and study tasks of work-related learning. This is essential in order to improve the involvement of companies and increase their gains about work-related learning. Also teachers’ role in the process needs clarification.
Flipped teaching in health promotive work
Maria Forss, Degree Programme Director, Principal Lecturer in Health Promotion, RN, PhD, Arcada University of Applied Sciences
Anu Grönlund, Lecturer in Nursing, RN, Master of Health Care, Arcada University of Applied Sciences
The aim of this article is to illuminate and discuss flipped learning as a method in order to increase and stimulate to the common health promotive actions for all nursing professions. We want to present a course design that activates and engages students to independently explore, discuss and evaluate the current topics of the course. Flipped learning is a method where the teaching isn´t done traditionally in the classroom. Students study at home independently or in groups mostly online and come to school to do their homework and have reflective discussions about the given topic.
Patient education by video-control
Teija Franck, Senior Lecturer, MHS, Turku University of Applied Sciences
Anne Mohn, Coordinator, MHS, Hospital District of Southwest Finland
Minna Syrjäläinen-Lindberg, Head of Degree Programme, MHS, Yrkeshögskolan Novia
Tiina Tarr, Teaching Coordinator, MHS, Hospital District of Southwest Finland
Leena Salminen, Senior Lecturer, Dr.Sc. (Nutr.), Associate Professor, University of Turku
Video-control suitability of the teaching method of patient education teaching – a project that studied by video-control teaching and control of the situation suitability of a real-time method of education. Video- control patient education strength evidence-based nursing and its guiding learning and develop research -based education to promote cooperation and student health care organizations skills.
Learning Multiprofessional Co-operation – Health and Life Coaching at Motiivi Wellness Services
Marita Pirkka, Senior Lecturer, MHS, Saimia University of Applied Sciences
Elina Ryhänen, Occupational Physiotherapist, M.Sc., Saimia University of Applied Sciences
Public Health Nursing students fulfilled a part of their internship requirements at Motiivi Wellness Services by implementing a Health and Life Coaching program for a group of staff members at Saimia University of Applied Sciences. The students lead groups as well as private sessions. In addition to guiding behavioral modification, the students got in contact with Physiotherapy students to widen their service palette and to learn multiprofessional co-operation. The co-operation stemmed from the needs of the Health and Life Coaching clients rather than from rigid internship requirements. Students found this type of natural and unforced co-operation fruitful and learned about functioning as professionals in their own field.
Interdisciplinary learning and internationalisation in the Nordic countries
Susanne Jungerstam, Principal Lecturer, PhD, Novia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Marie Albertsson, Lecturer, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Justin Karlson, Lecturer, University College UCC, Denmark
Henny Kinn Solbjørg, University Lecturer, University of Tromsø, Norway
Today, the so called Nordic welfare model faces many new challenges. In order to meet the challenges, cooperation, internationalization and a multi-professional approach are frequently called for. In three consecutive years, four universities and universities of applied sciences in four Nordic countries have arranged joint intensive courses focusing on professional competences within social education. Participating students have emphasized that they have deepened their knowledge and rendered new insights into intercultural and inter-professional practices in different Nordic societies. Herein, the fact that the welfare systems of the Nordic countries hold comparable structures based on equivalent principles, underpinned by value systems that are largely shared, has contributed to the ease by which knowledge can be transferred and developed. Together, we can broaden our horizons and deepen our intercultural and inter-professional competences in different environments.
How to lead passion?
Johanna Vuori, Principal Lecturer, PHD, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Employees’ intrinsic motivation, engagement and passion at work are needed in the transformation of work. Leaders need new skills to lead passion as it places soft values to the hard core of management. Passion at work increases both the profitability of the company as well as employee wellbeing. The Leading Passion project does research on leading passion and develops tools to support it. Our preliminary results show that passion at work can be found in all jobs. We have also found out that intrinsic motivation and passion at work is connected to sense of control and self-directedness. Moreover, our results support the argument that a leader may rapidly destroy passion at work.
Producing art of well-being
Sanna Pekkinen, Senior Lecturer, Lic.Phil., Humak University of Applied Sciences
The welfare effects of arts and culture have been well studied and their importance to people’s overall quality of life, mental alertness and health has been recognized. Anyhow, it has been challenging to get the arts and culture into the social and health sector services. The project of Agency for Cultural Wellbeing has started to develop multi-professional teams new applied art products and services. For artists, cultural managers, and social and health care professionals tailored for continuing education, aims to minimize preconceptions, and to reduce the threshold to work together. The project will create new models for the development of applied arts productions and revenue logic in such a way that the art of well-being expertise would be possible to create a sustainable business. The EU-funded project is managed by Humak and the partners are Saimia and Turku Universities of Applied Sciences, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Turku and Jyväskylä cities.
The rehabilitation client’s path from the service home to the farm
Johanna Hirvonen, Principal Lecturer, PhD, Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences
Leena Uosukainen, Principal Lecturer, PhD (Education), Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences
Since 2010, Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences has coordinated several RDI projects aimed at developing green care in social, health and welfare services. This article describes mental health clients’ path from gardening works in the garden of a service home to a local farm to do farm works as part of their rehabilitation.
Promoting wellbeing with technology
Sari Merilampi, Leader, Project Manager, Dr.Sc. (Tech.), Well-being Enhancing Technology Research Group, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Mirka Leino, Automation Technology Research Group Leader, Principal Lecturer (Research), M.A., Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Andrew Sirkka, Principal Lecturer, Welfare Technology, PhD (Education), Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Antti Koivisto, Researcher, M.Sc. (Tech.), Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Challenges in communication and general lack of knowledge between various actors have emerged bottle necks in welfare technology development and implementation in a variety of projects implemented by Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. HYVÄKSI project was established to meet the above mentioned challenges. The project focuses on building an innovation network for well-being enhancement through personalised and service designed client technology. The established network aims at boosting business opportunities also in the future in terms of supporting innovations and increasing communication and expertise through knowledge transfer between public, private and third sector organisations. The project goal is, through technology development and service designing, to enhance daily well-being and prevent further functional impairments among people with limitations, their family members and care givers. This article discusses the best practices and philosophies attained in the project.
Your decision
Tiina Kirvesniemi, Project Manager, Lic.Ed., Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences
Elise Wass, Upper Secondary Education Psychologist, MA (Psychology), City of Hamina
Your decision – solutions for youth participation by game innovations and service design. The aim of the project is to develop intervention models, by which social participation models in order to support social integration of young adults. The project utilizes service design. The participation of young adults is supported both directly and indirectly during the project: in addition to method development the project offers meaningful activities for young people.
In the project the young people will choose and develop – in cooperation with experts – new intervention models. The designed models will be presented for the partners who will implement the methods in their work. The functionality of interventions will be evaluated in authentic contexts with experienced workers and young people.