The theme of UAS Journal issue 1/2025 is about the current topics and the role of universities of applied sciences (UAS) in forward-looking business cooperation and RDI activities.
Theme editors: Mauri Kantola, Turku UAS; Tuire Ranta-Meyer, Metropolia UAS and Ulla Asikainen, Karelia UAS.
The main focus of the issue is on the opportunities of universities of applied sciences to support preparedness for competence bottlenecks in different fields.
We are also looking for concrete examples of collaboration projects between UASes and the working life, as well as sustainable results of RDI work. We hope that the texts show the reaction of UASes to current social situations (e.g. sustainable development, artificial intelligence, political uncertainty).
Expert articles from both universities of applied sciences and beyond are desired for the theme issue. We encourage co-writing in multi-voiced groups. In addition to articles, the texts offered may also include more informal reviews, speeches, interviews, expert texts commenting on current topics, and examples of cooperation between UASes with partners. The number can also be provided with audiovisual content.
The maximum length of an expert article is 10,000 characters, the review 4,000 characters and the more informal texts about 3,000 characters (including punctuation). More detailed author instructions can be found at It is worth getting to know them carefully. We encourage author formations that also involve the representation of working life and/or students.
AMK Lehti / UAS Journal regularly receives more article offers than can be published. Usually, about half will be published with the number of articles between 12 and 15/number. This is why, in the first step, we ask the authors for an abstract (max. 200 words) and use them to create the magazine as a whole. After that, we ask the elected writers for the full text as well as the picture suggestions. The editors comment on the manuscript and the authors are given a good week to make corrections. A more detailed schedule is below.
The theme editors:
Mauri Kantola, Senior Specialist, Turku University of Applied Sciences.
Tuire Ranta-Meyer, Senior Lecturer, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.
Ulla Asikainen, Head of Education, Karelia University of Applied Sciences.
Timetable 1/2025
Abstracts of about 200 words should be sent to the theme editors at mauri.kantola(at) no later than 5 December 2024.
A reply will be sent to all those who have left the abstract in the week beginning 15 December 2024.
Article manuscripts and image suggestions should be sent to the theme editors at mauri.kantola(at) by 24 January 2025.
The theme number will appear in week 10.