Kategoria: Editorial

Change is permanent

The year 2034 is closer than we think

Universities of applied sciences in social change: working life cooperation, competence and new technologies

20 Years of Applied and Solution-oriented RDI

Digital transition challenges to rethink

Leading the future of universities (of applied sciences)

Every day the clock resets

Universities of applied sciences on a resolute path towards internationalisation

Ethical sustainability in universities of applied sciences

Knowledge management

Closely following current topics

The sustainable and responsible professional

Editorial: Higher education institutions to solve wicked problems

Editorial: Future focus on open RDI activities and education

Editorial: The 10th Anniversary of the UAS Journal

Abstracts 2/2020

Abstracts 1/2020

Abstracts 4/2019

Abstracts 3/2019

Abstracts 2/2019

Abstracts No 1/2019

No 4/2018 Abstracts

No 3/2018 Abstracts

Practitioner researchers’ current and future visions of education & learning