Editorial: Universities of Applied Sciences promote ecological sustainability in various ways
Eveliina Asikainen, Lecturer, School of Professional Teacher Education, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Tove Tove Holm, PhD, Coodinator, The Baltic Sea Challenge, the City of Turku, Associate researcher, University of Gävle
Sustainable development was first defined in the UN Brundtland Commission in 1987. That initiated a process that has advanced both globally and nationally, as well as governmentally and in various sectors in the society (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987).
In Finland, sustainable development has been advanced since 1993, when the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development was established first in the world. In addition to the government, the members of the commission represent a broad spectrum of sectors and stakeholders in our society. The commission started its work by defining sustainable development as follows: ”Sustainable development is a globally, regionally and locally ongoing process of continuous and targeted change in society. It aims at safeguarding opportunities for a good life to the current and future generations.” (Prime Minister’s Office, n.d.)
Sustainable development goals have changed and become more specific. In 2015, United Nations Sustainable Development Summit and the member states including Finland adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda includes 17 different goals that are related to sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goal, SDG), many of which are about ecological sustainability, specifically the goals clean water and sanitation (6), climate action (13), life below water (14) and life on land (15). Further, goals about industry, innovation, and infrastructure (9), sustainable cities and communities (11), as well as responsible consumption and production (12) have a strong implication of ecological sustainability.
In the past decades, a growing number of universities have centralised their teaching and research activities towards sustainable development solutions, especially in their local communities. To promote such centralisation, transitional phases are needed in all actions: curricula, contents of the study modules and pedagogy, administration of the campuses, and research and work in the society (Asikainen et al., 2017; Holm et al., 2016). At present, universities are also supported by the definition of policy in sustainable development by the Ministry of Education and Culture. One goal in this policy is to strengthen research, development, and innovation activities’ support in fulfilling the 2030 Agenda goals. (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2020).
The articles and other texts in this themed issue present versatilely the actions of the universities of applied sciences in promoting sustainable development, through various practical implementations in education, projects and collaboration with enterprises. We will briefly present how the texts relate to the duties of the universities of applied sciences (Ammattikorkeakoululaki, 2014) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The authors present their views on how the education in universities of applied sciences could more strongly promote ecologically sustainable development. Niemi outlines a model for curriculum of ecologically sustainable development for universities of applied sciences. Konst & Scheinin’s view is that education should be based on a sustainable framework and value basis. Laine et al. present various learning environments in circular economy, and Virta et al. various ways to bring the circular economy knowhow from universities of applied sciences to students in the secondary level education. In addition to these articles, education is seen as part of the solution in many of the texts in this issue.
Ecologically sustainable development can also be emphasised in the RDI activities of the universities of applied sciences. Research strategies, cooperation and the level of efficiency are clearly present in the texts by Mishra et al. and Kostia et al. The texts by Hendriksson et al. and Maljamäki provide good examples of local development and innovation projects covering efficient use of resources (SDGs 9, 11 and 12). Kallio & Asikainen and Savela & Keinänen-Toivola present education and development projects promoting ecological sustainability in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as in southern Africa.
The relationship between sustainable development and digitalisation is complicated. In their article, Salminen & Ruotsalainen combine pedagogical development with reducing the negative environmental effects of digital services by companies. Asad & Andersson outline possibilities to use artificial intelligence in sorting plastic waste.
Climate actions (SDG 13) are very clearly present in the texts of this themed issue. For instance, Kujala & Lindgren cover climate actions from the point of view of making the carbon footprint in sustainable construction and housing smaller. Clean water and sanitation (6) goal is covered by Kääriä et al. in their article describing the collaboration between the city of Turku and the Turku University of Applied Sciences, as well as by Viskari & Kämäri who dismantle the beliefs regarding human-waste-based nutrients in cultivation. Aarrevaara & Viluksela’s article deals with promoting goal 11, sustainable cities and communities by means of education.
Several articles also deal with responsible consumption and production goal (12), which aims at diminishing the ecological footprint by changing ways of consuming and producing goods. Renfors & Ruoho present a training programme where the promoting business is strongly tied to promoting sustainable development. Heikkilä & Lindell cover the same topic in food services.
Responsible consumption and climate actions relate to promoting sustainable development in universities of applied sciences in various ways. Puukko & Tyni describe the starting points on the programme of sustainable development in Lapland University of Applied Sciences. Puurula presents the climate actions at Häme University of Applied Sciences and communicating it. Routaharju and Laasasenaho & Routaharju have calculated practical examples of how universities of applied sciences have diminished their emissions through changes in everyday practices. Haapasalo deals with universities of applied sciences promoting sustainable travelling, and Vuoksi reflects sustainable solutions in common spaces.
In its entirety, this themed issue provides a versatile sample of the work made in the universities of applied sciences in promoting ecologically sustainable development broadmindedly. The texts now published bring us hope and courage that, despite the circumstances, the universities of applied sciences are building a sustainable future.
[vc_tta_accordion active_section=”0″ no_fill=”true” el_class=”lahteet”][vc_tta_section title=”References” tab_id=”1458134585005-b3f22396-5506″]
Asikainen, E., Hellman, S., Parjanen, L., Puputti, M., Raatikainen, S & Schroderus, M. (2017). Unipoli Green—Four Universities. Working Together for Sustainability. In W. Leal Filho, M. Mifsud, C. Shiel & R. Pretorius (Eds.), Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education (pp. 257–273). Springer, Berlin.
Holm, T., Sammalisto, K., Caeiro, S., Rieckmann, M., Dlouhá, J., Wright, T., Ceulemans, K., Benayash, J. & Lozano, R. (2016). Developing sustainability into a golden thread throughout all levels of education. Journal of Cleaner Production 117, (20), 1–3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.01.016
Ministry of Education and Culture. (2020). Education and Culture and its administrative branch. Publications of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland 2020:11. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-263-706-2
Prime Minister’s Office. (n.d.). Sustainable Development. https://kestavakehitys.fi/en/sustainable-development/approaches
Universities of Applied Sciences Act (2014). Translation from Finnish. Universities of Applied Sciences Act 932/2014. Ministry of Education and Culture. https://www.finlex.fi/en/laki/kaannokset/2014/en20140932_20160563.pdf
World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Our Common Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press. https://archive.org/details/ourcommonfuture00worl
Key words: Agenda2030, education, SDG, sustainable development, RDI, university of applied sciences
Universities of applied sciences building more sustainable world of work?
Sari Niemi, M.Soc.Sc., RDI Specialist, LAB University of Applied Sciences, sari.niemi(at)lab.fi
Environmental concerns, actions against climate change, and a decrease in natural resources need to gain more recognition within the world of work. Universities of applied sciences should be an essential part of the move toward a more ecologically sustainable world of work. However, sustainability development is considered infrequently in curriculums examined in this article. Concentrating on cleantech or environmental studies is a too narrow view. In many fields of work-related soft skills, like an ability to understand and solve social problems caused by environmental problems, could advance ecological sustainability. In addition to this, more multidisciplinary studies and learning environments are needed.
Key words: curriculum, sustainable development, work-related development
Renewing higher education 5.0 – What is it about?
Taru Konst, PhD, Principal Lecturer, Turku University of Applied Sciences, taru.konst(at)turkuamk.fi
Minna Scheinin, Head of Future Learning Design, Turku University of Applied Sciences, minna.scheinin(at)turkuamk.fi
Nowadays the term Education 4.0 is widely discussed. It refers to a concept that makes us rethink learning and education to match the needs of the changing world because the traditional ways of implementing education are not enough. However, education 4.0 quite seldom discusses sustainability crisis, which can represent the biggest challenge and change maker for education in the future. In our approach we explore Education 4.0. from wider viewpoint than it is earlier done; we focus on the vision of future higher education, which aims towards sustainable future and describe the core ideas of this vision.
We argue that not a single educational institution has yet redesigned its pedagogical approach and solutions to the extent that is needed for a sustainable future. It is time to move towards ‘Education 5.0’, which incorporates all the important aims of education 4.0 and interconnects them to a sustainable framework and value basis. Sustainable future requires quick changes in mental models and actions in higher education.
Key words: higher education, education development, sustainable development, climate change, education 5.0
An engineer becomes enthusiastic in an innovation center
Pia Laine, M.Sc. (Food Science), Lecturer, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, pia.t.laine(at)metropolia.fi
Riitta Lehtinen, Lic.Tech., Principal Lecturer, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, riitta.lehtinen(at)metropolia.fi
Hannu Turunen, M.A., Lecturer, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, hannu.turunen(at)metropolia.fi
Antti Tohka, Lic.Tech., innovaatiojohtaja, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, antti.tohka(at)metropolia.fi
Last autumn Metropolia’s students in Myyrmäki got extremely excited about the opening of Urban Farm Lab (UFL) in the Campus. The target of UFL is to develop in-door food production. There were a lot of questions how to get om board. The teachers answered by organizing assignments about this issue into their courses and created different UFL project works. Also, many students made their practical training period in UFL’s companies’ development work. All together more than 200 students carried out their studies in this learning platform in autumn 2019.
Key words: Innovation Center, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Urban Farm Lab
Experts on circular economy are made today
Marketta Virta, M.A., B.Eng., Project Specialist, Turku University of Applied Sciences, marketta.virta(at)turkuamk.fi
Ella Rasimus, Student Assistant, Student of energy and environmental technology, Project Specialist, Turku University of Applied Sciences, ella.rasimus(at)turkuamk.fi
Saara Ahtaanluoma, Student Assistant, Student of energy and environmental technology, Project Specialist, Turku University of Applied Sciences, saara.ahtaanluoma(at)turkuamk.fi
If we want to change the society, education plays an important role. Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) educates future experts in circular economy. The education does not end within the walls of the university, as know-how is also shared with junior high school and high school students through the MyTech collaboration.
The main goal of the MyTech program, maintained by the Technology Industries of Finland, is to get young people interested in mathematics and science education and technology. The program includes a functional study visit to a tech company and a university. TUAS’ learning environment Circular Economy 2.0 is involved in the MyTech program to introduce young people to circular economy and climate change.
Student assistants and trainees of Circular Economy 2.0 guide approximately 5–6 MyTech visits during the semester. In many cases, MyTech teams and their teachers are inspired by the visits so that they want to continue working on the circular economy theme in their own school as well. The visits thus arouse interest in circular economy and the theme of sustainability more broadly.
Key words: circular economy, innovation pedagogy, project learning environment, technology
Sustainability as a driver of impact creation
Amit Kumar Mishra, PhD, Impact Leader – Emerging Technologies and 4IR, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, RDI and Business Operations, amit.india(at)gmail.com
Jaana Seikkula-Leino, PhD, Impact Leader – Future Competencies and Learning, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, RDI and Business Operations, jaana.seikkula-leino(at)tuni.fi
Eeva-Liisa Viskari, PhD, Impact Leader – Sustainability, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, RDI and Business Operations, eeva-liisa.viskari(at)tuni.fi
Key words: sustainability, impact, research, development, university of applied sciences
New research group wants to promote sustainability of future circular bioeconomy society
Silja Kostia, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Principal Lecturer, Ph.D., silja.kostia(at)tuni.fi
Ulla Häggblom, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Principal Lecturer, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), ulla.haggblom(at)tuni.fi
Erkki Kiviniemi, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc. (Tech.), erkki.kiviniemi(at)tuni.fi
Mikael Lindell, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc. (Econ.), mikael.lindell(at)tuni.fi
Riitta Vihuri, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc. (Econ.), riitta.vihuri(at)tuni.fi
Eeva-Liisa Viskari, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Impact Leader, Ph.D., eeva-liisa.viskari(at)tuni.fi
Tampere University of Applied Sciences has established a new circular bioeconomy research group, which has a mandate to promote research, development and innovation activities in sustainable solutions and business. The research group is based on the existing expertise and research activities but wants to step into the next level by improving communication, stakeholder involvement, international partnerships and by involving new industries and challenges.
Key words: bioeconomy, business, circular economy, industry, RDI, sustainability, technology
Industry, tourism, green behavior – a possibility?
Katri Hendriksson, M.Sc. (Eng.), Project Manager, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, katri.hendriksson(at)lapinamk.fi
Mirva Tapaninen, Master’s Degree in Hospitality Management, Tourism, Project Manager, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, mirva.tapaninen(at)lapinamk.fi
Satu Valli, M.Sc. (Admin.), Lecturer, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, satu.valli(at)lapinamk.fi
Ecological and sustainable tourism has been a great subject with tourists. Tourists can nowadays ask sustainability and responsibility where they are travelling and particularly hotels and service providers are now developing their actions. Tourism is a global business and users’ behaviour is changing to become more and more singular travelling than group travelling. Travellers are seeking now more experiences and quality.
The development of industrial tourism in the Sea Lapland region has been sought through the Consepting industrial tourism services -project, which aims to develop the region’s tourism and responsiveness to changing consumer behaviour. The project will unleash the potential of the area for networking of entrepreneurs and operators in the industry.
Key words: circular economy, industry, research and innovation activities, sustainable tourism, tourism, university of applied sciences
Energy efficient snow
Elisa Maljamäki, M.A. (Industrial Design), Project Planner, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, elisa.lahti(at)lapinamk.fi
In early 2020, the weather was the topic of discussion at many coffee breaks. Southern Finland had a historically warm winter, while Lapland had an extremely snowy winter. Snow plays an important role in many sports and industries. In ski resorts, however, most of the snow is man-made artificial snow. To slow down climate change, it is important that we pay attention to energy efficiency and low carbon in all areas. Also in making snow and preserving it. The Arctic Snow project promotes the energy efficiency of snow use in Lapland. The project responds proactively to snow-free autumns and winters.
Key words: , arctic area, energy efficiency, snow
Towards sustainable waste management in Russia and Kazakhstan
Ella Kallio, Project Manager, RDI Services, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Eveliina Asikainen, Lecturer, School of Professional Teacher Education, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Waste management in Russia and Kazakhstan has developed in recent years, but as the standard of living is rising waste management infrastructure needs to be developed and education in the field is needed to ensure sustainable change. The aim of EduEnvi, a three-year Erasmus+ CBHE project (2017–2020), is to build capacity in the partner universities by developing online education in Sustainable Waste Management (SWM). The three-year project has resulted in developing and piloting 20 competence-based master-level on-line courses (60 ects). During the project the Russian and Kazakh teachers have developed broader and more holistic understanding of SMW and built personal and organizational competence in on-line education. TAMK has gained valuable experience in leading challenging multicultural projects and in building sustainable societies globally. This can succeed when we value our partners’ competences, perspectives and cultures during the project.
Key words: Erasmus+, international co-operation capacity building, sustainable development, waste management
Sustainable business in the markets of southern Africa
Nina Savela, M.Pol.Sc., Project Researcher, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, nina.savela(at)samk.fi
Minna M. Keinänen-Toivola, PhD, Research Manager, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, minna.keinanen-toivola(at)samk.fi
Due to climate change, Southern African countries are plagued by worsening drought and other extreme weather conditions which threaten the livelihoods and living conditions of the locals. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) has operated in Namibia since 2012 and led various projects in bringing sustainability into local practices. In SAMK’s project implementation, technologies and practices offered through the projects are not considered sufficient as such to improve local situation. They are thus planned to be supported by training and adaptation to the conditions of local societies. Working together with trusted partners has been one of the key success factors in SAMK’s project implementation. For the actors interested in implementing similar projects, mapping of the current networks both in Finland and in the target countries as well as flexibility in the project implementation play a crucial part in successful project realization.
Key words: business, cooperation, energy, Namibia, technology
Students and enterprises getting together in a hackathon
Risto Salminen, M.Sc. (Econ.), Project Specialist, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, risto.salminen(at)karelia.fi
Marja-Liisa Ruotsalainen, M.Sc. (Econ.), Project Specialist, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, marja-liisa.ruotsalainen(at)karelia.fi
Key words: business, energy and environmental engineering, ICT, sustainable digital services
Artificial intelligence for ecological sustainability – New machine learning applications for sorting of plastic waste?
Faizan Asad, M.Sc. (Tech.), Project Researcher, Arcada University of Applied Sciences/Department of Energy and Materials Technology, faizan.asad(at)arcada.fi
Mirja Andersson, D.Sc., Head of Department, Arcada University of Applied Sciences/Department of Energy and Materials Technology, mirja.andersson(at)arcada.fi
The year 2020 has brought great sustainability challenges as the world is facing the pandemics of COVID-19, that has been causing great suffering in term of loss of lives and financial incomes. Artificial intelligence (later AI) is helping to present smart solutions for prevention and diagnosis of this new virus (Alimadadi et al. 2020). However, AI is not going to solve the problem itself, it would need creative and inventive approaches from humans (Hollister 2020). AI is still, after ca. 30 years of existing, an emerging field with great potential to help in globally shared challenges in ecological sustainability such as fighting the climate change, preserving biodiversity and healthy oceans, securing clean water and air, and in being resilient in conditions of extreme weather and disasters (World Economic Forum 2018). Integration of AI / machine learning into systems of plastic recycling, and by that helping the cause of ecological sustainability, could result in innovative and smart solutions too.
Arcada University of Applied Sciences participated during 2014-2016 in a national strategic research program, Material Value Chains (in Finnish Materiaalien Arvovirrat, later ARVI) financed by The Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (currently known as Business Finland, previously TEKES) together with nearly 30 organisations including universities, research institutes and companies. The objective of the ARVI research program was to build a mutual understanding of future business opportunities related to recycling of materials, as well as required know-how and abilities for their utilisation. This interdisciplinary research program offered a unique opportunity for Finnish industry and research institutes to carry out long-term strategic research cooperation and launch the circular economy nationally in the field of plastic recycling and waste management (Clic Innovation 2017).
Recycling of plastic waste, even in Finland with well-developed waste management system, would still require more resources (YLE News 2020). To continue our previous applied research work with plastic recycling (Mylläri et al. 2016; Clic Innovation 2017; Andersson et al. 2018; Jönkkäri et al. 2020) as well as our development work with ecological sustainability themes in engineering education (Andersson and Makkonen-Craig 2017), we are launching a new research aim to explore the improvement of sorting processes through suitable applications of AI and machine learning together with collaborating universities and companies. In this article we will briefly introduce this aim by reviewing the current knowledge and status around the topic.
Key words: artificial intelligence, ecological sustainability, machine learning, plastic recycling
The future house is energy-efficient with a small carbon footprint
Mari Kujala, M.Sc. (Tech.), Lecturer, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, mari.kujala(at)samk.fi
Sanna Lindgren, Project employee, Student of HPAC technology, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, sanna.k.lindgren(at)samk.fi
Four biggest actions impacting to the carbon footprint are housing, eating, moving and using different services and goods (WWF’s webpage). Building the house and energy consumption is included in housing. The planning phase solutions can have an influence on the carbon footprint of the whole life circle and energy consumption of the building.
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences had a two-year initiative for Low Carbon Solutions in Zero Energy Building, Vähä0, which ended in the summer of 2019. The main objective was to generate information about the impact of various building materials and energy options on the energy-efficient construction and the carbon footprint of the building. The study used detached houses in Pori’s 2018 housing fairground as pilot sites.
In the summer of 2020, the new EU-funded KOHISTEN – Towards Carbon Neutral Construction Project in Satakunta will be launched at SAMK. The main objective of the project is to instill the competence of carbon footprint calculations into businesses in the region and to promote energy-efficient construction and housing in Satakunta.
Key words: carbon footprint, carbon handprint, construction technology, energy efficiency
Water protection co-operation between a city and a university
Juha Kääriä, PhD, Manager of Climate Affairs, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Business, juha.kaaria(at)turkuamk.fi
Piia Leskinen, PhD, Research Group Leader, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Business, piia.leskinen(at)turkuamk.fi
Tove Holm, PhD, Coodinator, The Baltic Sea Challenge, the City of Turku, Associate researcher, University of Gävle, tove.holm@turku.fi
The vision of the Baltic Sea Challenge (between the Cities of Turku and Helsinki) is a clean, productive and shared Baltic Sea. In the action plan period 2019–2023, the more precise objectives of the Baltic Sea Challenge continue to be consistent with e.g. the EU’s Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and other relevant strategies in international, national and local level. The goals of the Baltic Sea Challenge have also been considered actively in the strategies of the city-owned companies like Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS). TUAS has actively planned and implemented projects related to water protection together with the City of Turku. Topics of co-operation have included management of nutrients in stormwater and agricultural runoff, actions for reducing hazardous substances in wastewater, biological surveys, monitoring of water quality and making different restoration and protection plans. In this paper we describe some of the fruitful case studies implemented in collaboration between the city and the university. Both argue that the cooperation has been profitable.
Key words: cooperation, Baltic Sea Challenge, Baltic Sea, City of Turku, Turku University of Applied Sciences, water protection
The unbearable sustainability of recycling wastewater sludges
Eeva-Liisa Viskari, PhD, Impact Leader, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, eeva-liisa.viskari(at)tuni.fi
Tiiti Kämäri, M.Sc. (Agriculture and Forestry), Part-time teacher, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, tiiti.kamari(at)tuni.fi
Finnish communities produce about 0,7 million tons of sewage sludges containing about 26 % of the phosphorus and 2,4 % of the nitrogen that are used in agriculture annually. Current legislation allows the use of sludge-based fertilizer products in agriculture and research results indicate that the use of them does not pose risk to human or environmental health. There is, however, a strong opposition against the use of sludge-based fertilization for example by the Finnish grain crop buyers, which is based on the potential risk that these products might cause. There is a contradiction between research results and deeply entrenched attitudes. In order to promote sustainable nutrient reuse, objective discussion and awareness raising is needed to avoid overlooking the nutrient potential of different organic fertilizers. Universities and research institutions need to take leading role in this process.
Key words: environmental engineering, fertilization, micropollutants, wastewater, wastewater sludge
Sustainable community – utopia of our time?
Eeva Aarrevaara, DSc(Arch), Principal lecturer, LAB University of Applied Sciences, eeva.aarrevaara(at)lab.fi
Pentti Viluksela, DSc(Tech), Principal lecturer, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, pentti.viluksela(at)metropolia.fi
Sustainability of cities and communities has just recently become a major issue considering the impact of the globally spreading COVID-19 pandemia. This was not anticipated when a learning package considering sustainable communities was started to prepare last year. Health issues are not even very clearly articulated in the particular sustainability development goal considering the communities. However, the material aiming to deconstruct main features of sustainable communities opens challenging viewpoints especially when comparing solutions of different international cities. This material was produced to benefit all universities of applied sciences in circular economy education.
Key words: forerunner city, sustainable community, urbanization
Green Entrepreneurs Flourish by Cultivating Business Skills
Sanna-Mari Renfors, PhD, Researching Principal Lecturer, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, sanna-mari.renfors(at)samk.fi
Jaana Ruoho, M.Sc.(Econ.), Lecturer, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, jaana.ruoho(at)samk.fi
Green entrepreneurs need skills to respond to consumers’ demand for natural, healthy and ecological products and services and to develop their entrepreneurship in accordance to their own values in a sustainable way. Therefore, an Interreg Central Baltic project was launched aiming at support the growth and competitiveness of green entrepreneurship and green business as emerging sectors. The key skills were identified by interviewing various stakeholders and the identified skills were turned into training programme contents. The new training programme consists of eight modules: green entrepreneurship, green consumerism, value-added product development, consumer communication, supply chain as well as brand and quality management, and exports. It can be concluded that when developing a training programme for green entrepreneurs, it is also crucial to consider skills related to sustainable development and frame the program with sustainability values.
Key words: green entrepreneurship, skills development, sustainable development
Sustainable business in food services
Tuija Heikkilä, M.A., Lecturer, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, tuija.heikkila(at)tuni.fi
Mikael Lindell, M.Sc. (Econ.), Coach, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, mikael.lindell(at)tuni.fi
The food production is the significant cause of climate effects. Because the logistic pro-cess of the food production is often long and complex, the emissions will be created at se-veral stages of the business. The emissions can be reduced with many different methods. When examining the value chain of the ecological business, one can state that even the small measures can have a big effect on the wholeness.
Tampere University of Applied Sciences has been developing the future food services of Särkänniemi area along in the Sustainable Tourism Hub project with a theme Zero Carbon Food Chains. The general goal of the project is to draw up the sustainability road map to the area of Särkänniemi. Central results from TAMK’s part are examined in the article and also Food Market 2.0 business model is demonstrated.
Key words: business model, food services, sustainability, zero carbon
Footsteps towards sustainable actions in the Lapland University of Appliec Sciences
Saila Puukko, M.Ed., Coordinator of Sustainable Development, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, saila.puukko(at)lapinamk.fi
Sanna Tyni, PhD, Senior Specialist, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, sanna.tyni(at)lapinamk.fi
Sustainable development and circular economy have become major themes globally. Finland has been one of the pioneers, particularly in the field of bio- and circular economy. Educational organisations have played a key role when implementing sustainable development and circular economy know-how to the labour market.
The key strategic goals of Lapland University of Applied Sciences are the intelligent use of natural resources and distance management. The integration of the bio and circular economy into our activities started a conversation of our organisation sustainability level. In 2019 organisation launched the creation of sustainable development action plan.
Elaboration of sustainable development action plan showed that theme is closely linked to education and RDI. Though, from the organisation point of view it was discovered that clear indicators and measures were missing. The first Sustainable Development Program for Lapland UAS was drawn up for the years 2020-2022, and will be updated annually.
Key words: circular economy, education, research and innovation activities, sustainable development, university of applied sciences
Can the universities of applied sciences communicate on their climate action?
Juuso Puurula, Student of Sustainable Development, Häme University of Appliec Sciences, juuso.puurula(at)hamk.fi
Accelerated by the ongoing climate discussion universities of applied sciences have taken measures to reduce their emissions and become more sustainable. But in a research conducted of the climate actions taken by higher education institutes (HEIs), universities seemed to be more open on their work in sustainability. As a result of this informational bias universities seem more willing to take actively part in reducing emissions and becoming sustainable than their counterparts, the universities of applied sciences. Action needs to be taken, so that the role of the universities of applied sciences in climate action is appraised.
Key words: climate action, climate change, communications, higher education institutes, sustainable development
Promoting sustainability by using collaboration tools
Liisa Routaharju, Master of Engineering, Senior Lecturer, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, liisa.routaharju(at)xamk.fi
Online meetings promoted sustainability even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Use of collaboration tools in working life has increased rapidly as it has been realized that online meetings save time and the environment. A simplified calculation reveals that online meetings can help also promote sustainability by reducing travel related emissions.
Key words: collaboration tools, sustainability, online meetings, environmental engineering
COVID-19 reduces the emissions of universities of applied sciences
Kari Laasasenaho, PhD, RDI Specialist, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, kari.laasasenaho(at)seamk.fi
Liisa Routaharju, M.Eng. Lecturer, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, liisa.routaharju(at)xamk.fi
COVID-19 has had a major impact on the everyday life at universities of applied sciences (UAS). The transition to distance learning and work has significantly reduced travel, printouts and physical meetings at UASs. This will inevitably also have an impact on the emissions. For example, there has been a clear reduction in work related travel and printouts at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) and South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK). Many UASs have set carbon neutrality targets and the current circumstances provide a setting of considering tools used to solve environmental problems. It is therefore essential to consider how emission reductions can be supported, when the corona crisis is over.
Key words: circular economy, climate change, Covid-19, sustainable development, university of applied sciences
Sustainable ways of travelling – all the way there
Kaija Haapasalo, M.Sc.(Econ.), Lecturer, Project Manager, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, kaija.haapasalo(at)metropolia.fi
The Last Mile project (9/2017–3/2020) brought together citizens, local authorities, universities, and mobility and tourism companies to find smarter and sustainable ways of travelling to workplaces, residential areas and places of interest. New market-driven mobility services were developed and tested to increase the attractiveness of public transport, find smart new ways of travelling within the metropolitan area and to generate business from mobility solutions, cut car use and promote a low-carbon economy. Last Mile identified the mobility needs of different target groups and met them by piloting 19 mobility services which improved the accessibility in and around the Helsinki metropolitan area (Espoo, Helsinki and Vantaa). These included e.g. sea and land transport sharing, bike-rental concepts, audio and digital guided routes, peer-to-peer sea transport rental services, regional mobility and parking solutions. The project involved altogether approx. 200 businesses and organizations. During the project over 40 studies, development projecst and publications were completed.
Key words: business, carsharing, cycling, drivesharing, lastmile, MaaS, mobility, shared economy, smart mobility
Sustainable choices in common spaces require imagination
Anne-Mari Vuoksi, BBA, Project employee, anne-mari.vuoksi(at)xamk.fi
Key words: multifunctional space, recycling, sustainability